Wednesday, March 26, 2014

[YEG REVIEW] Kid's Help Phone 2014

Another amazing year for Kids Help Phone. Congratulations for all who participated!

 Guests were entertained by a  large line of local artists, some from the previous year and some new. This year's line up was composed of young talents such as Convergence Dance CrewDanielle Ann YuKiran Grewal , Jennifer Yu, William Lau, Ashlee, Aaron Szeto and Carnival of Roses.

The 10 course meal served by Emperor's Palace was simply delicious! Guest were fed with more to spare. Every table was able to take a good remainder home that night.

It was nice to witness so many people taking part in the silent auction. We definitely made a big impact this year. We only wish we brought more cash with us.

 Convergence Dance Crew Members Top Left to Bottom Right: Maria, Jessica, Jaime, Bengie, Dani

Video taken by dance crew member Jesse.

Our favourite part of the night was at the end when friends and strangers had a Karaoke moment singing songs including Backstreet Boys.

Until next year we hope to see you all there!

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